Get Your Tummy Beach-Body Ready: Eliminate Stagnated Blackish Poop

As the weather gets warmer and we start exchanging heavy jackets for shorts and swimsuits, bloating, skin issues, and excess weight become harder to ignore.

It’s a fact that using the toilet every day doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re entirely emptying your colon. Excuse us for getting a bit gross, but if you’re not pooping on a regular basis each week, feces can build up and get impacted in your gut, causing stagnated blackish poop. This issue can lead to a whole host of health issues, including problems such as skin rashes, constant bloating, stomach and back pain, and weight-loss difficulties, just to name a few.

Before we go on, please note that some foods like black licorice or blueberries can cause blackish poop, but this is not common. And just so that we cover all bases, if your stools seem black and tarry, this could indicate a severe health issue that has caused blood in your stools. In this case, please visit your doctor as soon as possible.

In most cases, however, dark blackish, hard poop comes from constipation which is easily treatable. Read on for some of the common symptoms related to stagnated blackish poop (or in some cases mucoid plaque) in your colon, the impacts on your health, and what you can do to get back in charge of your colon health. 

Symptom: Constant Bloating

Symptom of constant bloating Built-up, impacted feces do a real number on your colon. They don’t move, meaning that any newly-digested food can’t travel through your intestines easily. This traffic jam can cause gas, toxins, and other digestive by-products to get trapped, causing pain and bloating that doesn’t seem to go away. Some women can experience enough bloating and discomfort that they feel like wearing maternity clothes, which is not what you want in a wardrobe for your summer vacation!

When you’re not clearing out your colon effectively, your gut’s good bacteria are not receiving fresh nutrients. Meanwhile, the stagnating poop allows harmful bacteria to grow more rapidly while also compromising the lining of your intestines, leading to a possible leaky gut. Fungus, such as candida, live in your stomach even when it’s healthy, but when you have constipation, the trapped digestive matter can trigger a candida overgrowth, which many blame for a long list of health problems.

Backed-up stools can lead to mild stomach inflammation, which also contributes to the dreaded tummy bloat. And to top it off, constipation or slow-moving poop can also make you feel nauseated, along with abdominal pain due to the pressure from bubbles of trapped gas in your colon.

Symptom: Skin Issues

We’ve already mentioned candida overgrowth as a result of stagnated blackish poop. This fungus can cause eczema-like itchy skin rashes, headaches, fatigue, a white coating on your tongue and can contribute to or exacerbate a leaky gut. Leaky gut is a syndrome characterized by holes or ‘leaks’ in your colon, which allow food particles, toxins, and bacteria to go into your bloodstream where they don’t belong.

Needless to say, this is unhealthy and can result in many of the same symptoms already mentioned on an ongoing basis. When you haven’t been able to eliminate effectively, your skin can start to look dull, sallow, and pale. People with a clean, empty and healthy colon often have skin that glows with healthy color and good circulation.

Symptom: Overweight or Difficulty Losing Weight

Many sources say that constipation and stagnated blackish poop cause or contribute to weight gain, both directly and indirectly. It seems obvious that when your colon is packed with poop, which can build up over time, it’s going to add excess weight to the scale. When more food goes into our bodies each day than the amount coming out, this buildup can explain why your diet isn’t working or why your weight keeps creeping up over time.

Doctors say that the average person generates about one pound of poop per day based on a typical diet and that we never fully empty our colon. This can easily cause us to carry three to five pounds of impacted, stagnated blackish poop if we don’t perform any type of colon cleanse for three months or more. Depending on age, exercise levels, and diet, some people might be carrying around even larger amounts of impacted feces in their colon.

Sub-optimal diets and choosing less-healthy foods that contain little to no fiber can contribute to weight gain. Additionally, dehydration (another common cause of constipation) can also prevent digested food from moving out of your colon, and your metabolism slows down, triggering weight gain or at least a weight-loss plateau.

If you’ve initially had good results with a diet such as the popular Keto diet, and it seems like it’s stopped working, consider that the diet is fine, but your colon needs a little extra help. In the case of a Keto diet, the significant reduction in carbs tells your body that it can let go of sodium, which causes you to retain less water and become dehydrated more quickly. This means that it’s even more important to drink more fluids each day and stay hydrated to prevent that stagnated blackish poop from building up over time.

Symptom: Poor Focus and Low Productivity

When your colon has a difficult time clearing out impacted feces, the material stays in your body and becomes a source of bacterial and fungal overgrowth. This disrupts the natural balance of the flora colony in your gut, causing some people to feel physically and mentally tired, dizzy, lethargic, and spaced out.

Symptom of poor focusThe side effects of an impacted colon can also include trouble focusing and getting work done efficiently, and instead, you might find yourself sitting at your desk daydreaming and procrastinating. It’s easy to blame these behaviors on poor-quality sleep or boredom. However, after performing a deep colon cleanse to rid your gut of stagnated blackish poop, you will likely experience an improved ability to focus each day, better moods, and a feeling of being physically lighter and more energetic.

Other Uncomfortable Symptoms

Impacted, stagnated blackish poop can cause a few other symptoms we’ve yet to mention. These include acid reflux, which can come from your system having a log-jam. Food keeps going in, but it’s not getting pooped out, and at some point, the digested food, gas, and stomach acid can’t go down, so they start coming back up through your lower esophageal sphincter (LES).

This gateway from your stomach to your esophagus can only take so much upward pressure from a full, impacted stomach and intestinal system before it weakens, causing acid heartburn, dizziness, fatigue, and other symptoms.

Maybe you’re constipated and suffer from lower back pain which doesn’t get better after stretching. Consider that the pressure of having impacted, stagnated blackish poop in your colon can cause this lower back pain in addition to pain in your abdomen. Some sources also say that you can experience joint pain due to the toxic backup and increased growth of harmful bacteria when you can’t eliminate your poops regularly.

Lastly, if you often strain to eliminate constipated poop from your colon, you can raise your blood pressure and, over time, put unnecessary wear and tear on your heart and blood vessels. You might have felt the heaviness and pressure in the veins of your legs or face while sitting on the toilet, straining to relieve yourself.

How to Take Charge of Your Colon’s Health

It’s pretty clear by now that stagnated blackish poop and constipation can cause a litany of symptoms and health problems. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably tried all of the conventional remedies or at least tried a piece-meal approach to treating specific symptoms and haven’t had much luck.

The approach we recommend to effectively resolving all of these issues is a deep cleansing of your colon. When the stagnated blackish poop gets impacted and difficult to remove, you need to fill your colon with healthy supplements that bring moisture and the ability to break up and clear out the contents of your colon at a deeper level.

The importance of deep-cleansing your colon on a regular basis cannot be understated, as it can help you feel and look healthier, younger, and more energetic, which can have an immediate positive impact on your mood and productivity. Cleansing on a regular basis, such as once every three months, can keep your mind at ease knowing that even if you do have sporadic constipation, every three months, you will be clearing out your system by doing an effective, deep cleanse.

If you establish a routine of doing a deep colon cleanse regularly, the habit becomes easier to remember, and your health and symptoms will continue to improve over time.

Take charge of your colon's health

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